Artist Resale Right

Kuvasto has been appointed by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture to administer the artist resale right royalties for art sales in Finland.

We collect the ARR royalties for the sales of all Finnish and foreign artists who are still protected by copyright. In Finland and many other countries, copyright lasts for the artist or creator’s lifetime plus 70 years after their death.

For the carrying out of the resale remuneration, an art market professional who has taken part in the selling of the work is responsible: a seller, an intermediary or a buyer.

We collect the ARR royalties for the resale of works that have already been given over by the artist, when the sales price excluding VAT exceeds 255 euros. No remuneration is charged when you are selling your work for the first time, for example when a gallery sells a painting on behalf of you.

If you are a visual artist entitled to a resale right remuneration or the rightsholder of a deceased artist, please register by filling in Kuvasto’s personal data form (available in Finnish).

We send the ARR royalties of foreign authors to copyright societies in their country of origin or pay them out to the artists.